The common purpose has been, and still is, to reconcile the necessities of the sector with the environment (areas too often in conflict) to their common advantage.
The shared challenge in Areka is to implement change with an open and creative mind, able to provide confidence in design and new tools to the sectors concerned.
New concepts and state of the art technologies necessarily meet a certain resistance at first. They upset the status quo and, as history shows, that has always been an obstacle. Consider, for example, the birth of the programmable logic controller (PLC) back in 1968, which we now take for granted. It required time and persistence before a computer could replace the large racks of relays to carry out automation.
This is how Richard (Dick) Morley (1933-2017), considered the father of the PLC, described the scepticism of that era: “We had some real problems in the early days convincing people that a box of software, albeit cased in cast iron, could do the same thing as 50 feet of cabinets, associated relays and wiring.”
This is the way, in Areka, we look at and describe the future. Starting from our ideas, irreplaceable drivers of change. Values that have already become certainties and realities for our partners and end consumers.